mini MBAs

A series of Mini-MBAs that suffice the needs of shipping professionals for training and certification in the multifarious fields of the maritime industry.


  • Duration

    2 months

  • Application accepted

    Every month

  • Entry Restrictions


Mini-MBA are focused on developing your professional skills. They are online fast-track programmes that cover core areas of general business and shipping management. Mini-MBAs are a quick and cost-effective way to reach your next career goal and boost your employment profile. They compress the most important aspects of traditional studies into 2-month exciting and affordable online courses. Please contact us for the pricing policy of these programmes.

"Only the educated are free"


ISM Code

Mini MBA in the ISM Code

The main objective of the International Maritime Organization is to set the standards for increasing the safety margin at sea and at the same time, aims at intensive engagement in the protection of the marine environment. The above objectives are largely achieved by the adoption of the ISM Code, as a set of measures that are implemented in order to deal with marine casualties.

Stakeholders’ knowledge of the ISM Code, its proper adherence, and the way its requirements are met are the important parts of this miniMBA program. The program is addressed to all those involved in the wider shipping industry, but also to those who want to engage with the industry.

Tuition fees: EUR 350/USD 400/SDG 550

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Applications

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Applications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most popular research topics and its technology has gradually been applied to the aspects of daily communication, transportation, finance and media.

In this online programme, our experts will use practical examples to show you how companies can benefit from the use of AI and which challenges need to be overcome in this context. The goal of the training is to help you gain a basic understanding of AI technology, to explain its potential and to help you identify your own relevant use cases.


Mini MBA in the ISPS Code

The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is an amendment to the SOLAS and it prescribes responsibilities to governments, shipping companies, shipboard personnel, and port/facility personnel to detect security threats and take preventative measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade.

This miniMBA program in the ISPS Code aims at specializing professionals in the range of measures used to tackle criminality at ports and on board where there is high possibility of illicit transportation of weapons, drugs, or immigrants, coupled with ship piracy incidents and robberies.

Ship Operations

Mini MBA in Ship Operations

A vital department of every shipping company is the Operations Dpt: the starting point for all the activities concerning active vessels. The miniMBA in Ship Operations presents the key operational factors of each shipping organization and the primary priority of an operator that is to ensure both the safe, smooth and profitable operation of its fleet as well as compliance with its contractual obligations.

The miniMBA also aims at specializing the professionals in the shipping industry in the plethora of procedures followed by the ship’s crew, the shipping company’s employees as well as all those involved at the port, so that there are no delays in delivery or receipt of the cargo.

Tuition fees: EUR 350/USD 400/SDG 550


Mini MBA in TMSA 3

The oil tanker market has for years been the pioneer in adopting rules and systems that promote safety and quality.

There are now quite a few tools to deliver better service from oil tankers. These tools, namely TMSA (Tanker Management & Self-Assessment), are the core of this program. The aim of this miniMBA is to develop the understanding of the principles of self-assessment and continuous improvement of the company’s safe management system, as well as the familiarity with these systems and inspections that are an integral part of the process.

Tuition fees: EUR 400/USD 450/SDG 600


Mini MBA in the Maritime Labour Convention

The aim of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) is to ensure comprehensive worldwide protection of the rights of seafarers rights and to establish a level playing field for countries and shipowners committed to providing decent working and living conditions for seafarers, protecting them from unfair competition from substandard ships.

This programme will assist all stakeholders in the smooth implementation of this Convention, in terms of requirements of Maritime Labour Convention and shipboard implementation, inspection and certification of ships, shipowners obligations and liability, Flag and Port State responsibilities and links with other Codes, Conventions and Recommendations.

EMS - Environmental Management System

Mini MBA in EMS

An environmental management system helps the company to optimize operations and further considerations. This course provides detailed information about the requirements of the standard ISO 14001.
You will acquaint yourself with methods of implementation of an environmental management system in shipping companies and on board its ships.
If you are a Manager, Designated Person, quality or environmental representative or a superintendent you will learn how to integrate an environmental management system into an existing Safety Management System according to the ISM Code.

Communication Skills

Mini MBA in Communication Skills

The art of Communication allows you to build your image in the audience groups you address and create the conditions for strengthening your activity and effective promotion of your messages.
This Programme introduces you to the world of communication, adopting tools that you can easily use, since you will be able to apply them internally in your organization.

Academic Supervisor: Ayham Tehmaz

Tuition fees: EUR 300/USD 350/SDG 500

Crisis Management

Mini MBA in Crisis Management

Crisis, as an emergency or a sequence of dangerous circumstances, is a real hazard for any business or organization. Its management becomes an element of survival, since the outcomes of a Crisis can be catastrophic or may negatively affect the course of the organization.

Crisis management is a means of state-of-the-art administration, with the main goal of analyzing and managing the risks faced by a company, organization, person or country. This programme offers the tools and methods needed to create a mechanism of preventing and dealing with critical incidents, and even avoiding them.

Academic Supervisor: Ayham Tehmaz

Tuition fees: EUR 300/USD 350/SDG 500


Mini MBA in Resilience

Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress-such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors.

This programme will offer you an effective approach that improves your state of mind, leading to improved thought patterns, more options and will make a real difference in your life.

Intercultural Relations

Mini MBA in Intercultural Relations

The seminar extends over 4 weeks and it is intended for those who wish to acquaint themselves with the problems confronting today’s multicultural world. It aims to introduce the different questions facing people who operate in a multicultural environment, be it professional, ethnic or religious, and provide them with the intellectual tools to tackle these questions as well as to find practical ways to solve them in everyday life situations.

Academic Supervisor: Ayham Tehmaz

Tuition fees: EUR 300/USD 350/SDG 500

Train the Trainer

Train the Trainer Certificate

This programme is a framework for preparing practitioners to pass these methods and expertise on to others, who may then become trainers themselves. It prepares instructors to:

Present information effectively following prescribed training manuals
Lead hands-on activities that reinforce learning
Help learners link the training methods to their jobs
Learn the importance of effective communication, including maintaining eye contact, conveying a positive attitude, showing interest in both course content and learners’ progress, speaking in a clear voice and addressing confusion.

Leadership & Team Building

Mini MBA in Leadership & Team Βuilding

This Team Building and Team Development Course will assist you in developing forward-looking teams. This will also help you to build better relationships, optimize the performance of individuals in the teams and empower you to drive business productivity.

It will also help you address the challenges at any stage or module of your business strategy timely and thus ensure the success of your organization’s blueprint.

Innovation Strategy

Mini MBA in Innovation Strategy

Innovation should be at the core of what we do every single day, but often we fall into classic traps of selective thought processes, restricting our abilities by blocking our most innovative ideas.

This mind-opening course will demonstrate how an organization can achieve true innovation. You will learn to generate innovative solutions that work by combining modern thinking strategies & processes with creativity

Project Management

Mini MBA in Project Management

Most projects, even at successful companies, tend to go over budget and take longer than projected – even with formal training, specialized tools and automated software. The courses in this project management program teach proven strategies and practical, hands-on tools to drive successful project outcomes. You’ll learn how to scope projects effectively, set key milestones, improve time budgeting and resource allocation, and get the project done on time and within budget.

The purpose is to provide leaders and team members of projects, committees or task forces with advanced techniques and practical skills for initiating, planning, tracking, controlling and evaluating any kind or size of project.

Negotiation Technicques

Mini MBA in Negotiation Technicques

In this course you will gain a toolkit of tried and tested techniques you can use in any negotiation, and the confidence to use them effectively. You will understand and enhance your personal negotiation style, learning how to analyse, plan and manage negotiations successfully. You will also explore strategies to resolve conflict during a negotiation, and strengthen business relationships as well as the impact of subconscious bias, culture and nonverbal communication in a negotiation


Mini MBA in Mindfulness

Mindfulness is facing the bare facts of experience, seeing each event as though occurring for the first time and keeping one’s consciousness alive to the present reality.

This course will offer you all the necessary tools so that you may invest in paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non- judgmentally and forge awareness of present experience with acceptance.

Design Thinking

MiniMBA in Design Thinking

Design Thinking is Human-centered problem solving tool which emphasizes on Empathy, Collaboration, Co-creation and Stakeholder feedback to unlock Creativity and Innovation, which devises feasible and viable solutions. The key to the process is empathising with the users to uncover unmet needs by understanding their beliefs, values, motivations, behaviours, pains, gains and challenges and to provide innovative solution concepts.

The purpose of this programme is to equip practitioners to work on real projects by designing needs and solutions with communities (users/citizen), to deeply understand the people they’re looking to serve, to dream up scores of ideas, and to create innovative new solutions rooted in people’s actual needs using Design Thinking through step by step guide with samples and ready to use templates. This programme offers a comprehensive set of Methods & Tools and activities that will take you from framing up your design challenge to getting it to the decision makers for implementation and users.


Send us an email, to discuss your professional goals.

A team of registrars who are excited about your progress and professional development will assist you in shaping your future career.

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